Special Piping Materials


Hayley Moore works at Special Piping Materials’ head office in Manchester as our Senior Sales Executive. She is a very meticulous person is often responsible for making sure all the little details of our projects and contracts are correct. She has been an essential member of the team for nearly 18 years, and we can’t imagine the company without her!

Hayley’s professionalism and attention to detail means she is excellent at providing our clients with the high level of service they expect from Special Piping Materials.

Read on to find out more about Hayley’s role in in the Special Piping Materials team.



  1. How long have you worked with SPM?

This is actually my second stint working for SPM and I have been back for just over 10 years which has flown by!  I have worked for the company in total for 18 years.


  1. Can you give us an overview of your career so far?

After leaving Uni I started working at SPM and, apart from a brief hiatus at a different company, I am still here now! I originally started at SPM on a temporary basis as I was unsure which field I wanted to go into and was just covering an extended holiday, doing bits and pieces in different departments. A couple of weeks later I was offered a full-time job and took on an expediting role for a while and was then asked to move into the Sales Department.

I was lucky enough to be part of the creation of the Singapore office in 2004 where I was their point of contact for sales and got to visit them a couple of times which was amazing. When I returned to SPM in 2012, I was employed as a Project Expeditor for around 18 months and then again found myself in Sales.


  1. What’s your favourite (and least favourite) day-to-day task?

My favourite task is processing orders as I am quite detail orientated and like to oversee a job from start to finish. My least favourite task is counter-checking colleague’s orders which are over £20K as it can be quite laborious. Quite a few of them find their way onto my desk as my colleagues in the office tell me that I am thorough… A compliment given in an attempt to soften the blow, although we do all like helping each other out here.


  1. What made you want to work for SPM

I have known our General Manager Dawn since high school and had already met Les and some of the others in the office over the years at functions so knew what a relaxed and nice atmosphere there was at SPM. For me, the people that you work with is one of the most important factors to consider when looking for a job as you spend the majority of your day with them.


  1. What is your focus at the moment in your role?

To continue to provide a high level of service, which I believe we do. Hopefully, now the COVID restrictions have been lifted, I’ll be able to get out of the office a little more to meet clients and suppliers – it is always nice to put a face to a name.


  1. What does a typical ‘day in the office’ look like?

There is generally a cup of tea waiting on my desk which usually has kindly been made by either Jim or Danielle and I then set about responding to as many emails as possible!

I receive my own personal emails and the sales@ email account so typically first thing I distribute any requirements that have been sent overnight to our sales address to the other relevant offices as we all have our own regions.

My days are spent discussing individual jobs with clients and suppliers, quoting and order processing mainly.  At around 4pm I am normally persuaded into making the last cup of tea of the day!


  1. What keeps you motivated at work each day? And how do you motivate your team?

I know it sounds a cheesy, but I genuinely think we all motivate one another as it is a great place to work. Everyone gets on really well (99% of the time!) and we all help one another out to ensure things run as smoothly as possible. I have never dreaded coming into work of a morning, regardless of what may be waiting for me on my desk!


  1. How do you relax after a hard day’s work in the office?

Outside of work I like to spend as much time as I can with friends and family. I have plenty of restaurants and bars on my hit list and would rather be out than in! I also have a Cineworld membership so go through phases of spending a lot of time at the cinema.


  1. If you had to choose another office around the world to work in, which would it be and why?

At this present moment in time as I haven’t had a proper holiday since 2019, so I would have to say either Perth or Rio purely for the weather. I would head for the beach even though sand is one of my pet hates!


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